
Registering routes

Routes with path()

Once you create your app = Django(), you can use the @app.route decorator to define routes and views:

def index(request):

Paths can start with a leading / as they do in Flask, but this is optional.

Behind the scenes, nanodjango uses path when it adds it to Django’s URLs, so the standard path converters work as expected:

def article_detail(request, year, month, slug):

Routes with re_path()

The @app.route(..) decorator can take re=True to specify that this is a regular expression path:

@app.route("authors/(?P<slug>[a-z]{3,})/", re=True)
def author_detail(request, slug):

Including other urlconfs

Call app_route(..) directly with include=urlconf to include another urlconf in your urls:

# Add a django-ninja API
from ninja import NinjaAPI
api = NinjaAPI()
app.route("api/", api.urls)

# Add a django-fastview viewgroup
from fastview.viewgroups.auth import AuthViewGroup
app.route("accounts/", AuthViewGroup().include())

Return values

With nanodjango you can return a plain string value for convenience:

def hello_world(request):
    return "<p>Hello, World!</p>"

or you can return an HttpResponse as you would with a normal Django view:

def hello_world(request) -> HttpResponse:
    return HttpResponse("<p>Hello, World!</p>")

Note that we’ve added a type hint for the return value here - without that, nanodjango convert won’t know the return type, and will add a decorator to force it to an HttpResponse to be safe.

Additional decorators

The view function can be decorated with other decorators - just make sure @app.route is always the first decorator:

def count(request):
    return "Hello world"